 About Romania 
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Education - Complementary School section include 100 profiles.
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  A.N.M.R.F. Louis Pasteur

After high-school courses. Development training and retraining courses.

  Christine Valmy SRL Bucuresti

Training courses beautician, hairdresser, masseuse technician, manicurist, pedicurist, maker-up, which means that all such supplies beauty services.

  Colegiul Economic al Banatului Montan

High school/college.

  Colegiul National de Informatica Spiru Haret Suceava

High school/college. After high-school courses.

  Colegiul National Economic Theodor Costescu Drobeta-Turnu Severin

High school/college. After high-school courses. Vocational school.

  Colegiul National Pedagogic Constantin Bratescu Constanta

High school/college. After high-school courses. Preschool education. Kindergarten.

  Colegiul Petru Rares-Beclean

High school/college. After high-school courses.

  Colegiul Silvic Bucovina Campulung Moldovenesc

High school/college. After high-school courses. School group.

  Colegiul Tehnic Energetic D.Hurmuzescu Deva

High school/college. After high-school courses. Driving school.

  Colegiul Tehnic Forestier Piatra Neamt

High school/college. Vocational school. After high-school courses.

  Colegiul Tehnic Infoel Bistrita

After high-school courses. High school/college.

  Colegiul Tehnic Matei Corvin Hunedoara

High school/college.

  Colegiul Tehnic Transilvania Deva

High school/college. After high-school courses. Driving school. Driving instructor. Driving school.

  F.E.G. - Fundatia Ecologica Green - Filiala Ploiesti

After high-school courses.

  Fundatia de Invatamant Petru Rares Bistrita

Higher education. University. After high-school courses.

  Fundatia Ecologica D.Cantemir-Filiala Falticeni

Foundation. After high-school courses. High school/college.

  Fundatia Humanitas Bacau-Filiala

After high-school courses.

  Fundatia Nationala Humanitas Constanta

After high-school courses. High school/college.

  Fundatia Scoala Portuara Constanta

Training/retraining vocational courses. After high-school courses. Shipping agents and chartering. River/maritime services.

  Fundatia Scoala Romana de Afaceri a C.C.I. a Romaniei - Filiala Bistrita

Higher education. University. Post-graduate courses.

  Fundatia Umanitara si Social Culturala Ocrotirea

Preparation of post-secondary students in the School Health Care to successfully meet current and future needs in healthcare, at home and abroad.

  Grup Scolar Agricol Constantin Dobrescu Curtea de Arges

School group. After high-school courses.

  Grup Scolar Agricol Valea Calugareasca

After high-school courses.

  Grup Scolar Baicoi

After high-school courses.

  Grup Scolar Crisan - Criscior

School group. High school/college.

  Grup Scolar de Arte si Meserii ion Mincu Deva

School group. After high-school courses.

  Grup Scolar de Constructii si Arhitectura Carol I Sibiu

After high-school courses. School group. School of arts and skills.

  Grup Scolar de Transporturi Ploiesti

After high-school courses.

  Grup Scolar Economic, Administrativ si de Servicii Calimanesti

School group. After high-school courses.

  Grup Scolar Forestier Satu Mare

Vocational school. After high-school courses. School group.

  Grup Scolar Grigore Moisil Deva

School group. Touristic services. Domestic/international tourism. After high-school courses.

  Grup Scolar Industrial Dumitru Mangeron Bacau

School group. After high-school courses. General car service. All car brands.

  Grup Scolar Industrie Usoara Medias

School group. After high-school courses.

  Grup Scolar ion Cantacuzino Pitesti

After high-school courses.

  Grup Scolar Postliceal Prof.Enescu Longinus Botosani

After high-school courses.

  Grup Scolar Sanitar Antim Ivireanul Ramnicu Valcea

School group. After high-school courses.

  Grup Scolar Sanitar Bistrita

After high-school courses.

  Grup Scolar Silvic Nasaud

After high-school courses.

  Grup Scolar Spiru Haret Constanta

School group.

  Grup Scolar Vasile Voiculescu Oradea

After high-school courses.

  Institutul Postliceal Phoenix Cluj-Napoca

Development training and retraining courses.

  Institutul Teologic Timotheus Bucuresti

After high-school courses.

  Liceul Teoretic Vlad Tepes Timisoara

After high-school courses.

  Postliceala Sanitara Carol Davila Piatra Neamt

After high-school courses.

  Postliceala Sanitara Piatra Neamt

After high-school courses.

  Scoala cu Clasele I-VIII Nr.9 Pitesti

After high-school courses.

  Scoala de Studii Comerciale Bacau

Development training and retraining courses. After high-school courses.

  Scoala Nationala Postliceala de Administratie Penitenciara Targu Ocna

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Christiana Satu Mare

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala de Tehnica Dentara A-Dent Constanta

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Didactica Targu Mures

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Dimitrie Cantemir

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Alba

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Alexandria

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Arad

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Buzau

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Carol Davila Baia Mare

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Carol Davila Bistrita

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Carol Davila Satu Mare

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Carol Davila Sibiu

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Carol Davila Targu Jiu-Filiala

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Christiana Alexandria

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Christiana Drobeta Tr.-Severin

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Christiana Focsani

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Christiana Slatina

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Constanta

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Drobeta-Turnu Severin

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Fundeni Bucuresti

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Galati

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Henri Coanda Satu Mare

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Hunedoara

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Omenia Targu Jiu

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Ploiesti

After high-school courses. Vocational school.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Reformata Cluj-Napoca

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Regina Maria de Romania Ploiesti

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Satu Mare

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Sf.Iosif Bucuresti

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Sfantu Gheorghe

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Slatina

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Slobozia

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Suceava

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Toma Ionescu Ploiesti

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Vasile Alecsandri Focsani

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Vaslui

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sf.Theodor Constanta

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Sfantu Iosif Craiova

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Teologica Sanitara Reformata Targu Mures

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Teologico-Sanitara Baptista Cluj-Napoca

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Teologico-Sanitara Doctor Luca

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Vasile Alecsandri Buzau

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Postliceala Vasile Goldis Satu Mare

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Romana de Afaceri Slatina

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Sanitara Carol Davila Focsani

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Sanitara Carol Davila Galati

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Sanitara Postliceala Carol Davila Petrosani

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Sanitara Postliceala Carol Davila Targu Mures

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Sanitara Sf.Vasile cel Mare Ploiesti

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Tehnica Postliceala Henri Coanda

After high-school courses.

  Scoala Tehnica Postliceala Henri Coanda Baia Mare

After high-school courses. Development training and retraining courses.

  Studia Targu Mures

After high-school courses.


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