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 Galeriile Anticariat D.I.Grumazescu

 Main business
Trader in the Antiquarian & Antiquity & Collection section of the Trade domain.

Strada Al.Lapusneanu 24, Iasi, 700057

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address
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Second hand bookshop. Shop for art objects. Antiques and art/cultural items.

Galeriile Anticariat D.I.Grumazescu encounter 293 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Iasi:

Antiques and art objects: paintings (Romanian, Hungarian and foreign), sculptures and statues, silver objects, ceramics, glass, porcelain and other antiques (clocks, watches, lamps).

Sophia Antiques Iasi has in stock approximately 25,000 titles of books and discs at very advantageous prices by up to 50% cheaper than in bookstores.


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