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 Forpep SRL Onesti

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Fire Foam & Fire Products section of the Chemistry domain.

Calea Marasesti 1A, Onesti

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Extinguishers. Fireproofing services for flammable materials. Fireproofing wood.

Forpep SRL Onesti encounter 290 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Bacau:

Importer of construction materials. Chemical anticorrosion items.

Extinguishers. Alarms and fire prevention systems. Fireproofing services for flammable materials. Materials and devices for fire protection. Automatic fire extinguishing systems. PSI substances, carbonic foam, fire extinguishers.

We produce and sell permanently pressurized fire extinguishers, hydrant boxes and sleeves, discharge pipes, valves hydrate, hydrants, fire pickets, sand boxes, helmets and costumes, street boots.

Sells all types of equipment and instrument PSI, perform service and check all fire extinguishers in use.


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