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 Giriscom SRL Craiova

 Main business
Trader in the Trade Representative section of the Trade domain.
Trader in the Heat & Thermal Equipment section of the Appliance domain.
Trader in the Air Conditioning & Aeration section of the Household domain.
Offer services in the Interior & Exterior Improvements & Design section of the Household domain.

Strada Stefan cel Mare 24, Craiova, 200130

 In charge 
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 Web address
Not available.

Trade representative. Plants and equipment for house heating. Air conditioning and heating devices. Arrangements and interior design. Construction, installation, servicing, repairing of thermal power plant.

Giriscom SRL Craiova encounter 828 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Dolj:

Watt laboratory equipment: equipment importer and distributor of laboratory equipment in laboratories, laboratory instruments and markets measurement and control devices.

Lighting fixtures, floor lamps, chandeliers. Wholesale of electrical appliances. Panels and electrical panels. Lamps, street and private lighting. Street lighting equipment. Distribution/trading lighting fixtures. Cables and insulating materials.

Sale of car accessories and spare parts. Trade representative. Manufacturer of car windshields, rear windows, side windows, sunroofs. Paints, varnishes and car kits. Auto cosmetics/maintenance products. Motor oils and lubricants - sale.

Lighting fixtures, floor lamps, chandeliers. Wholesale of electrical appliances. Lamps, street and private lighting.


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