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 Geflorom Company SRL Ramnicu Valcea

 Main business
Offer services in the Service & Design & Research section of the Communications domain.
Offer services in the Service & Repair section of the Electronics domain.
Offer services in the Audio & Video Production section of the Mass Media domain.

Calea lui Traian 181, Bl.9, Sc.A, Ap.4, Ramnicu Valcea, 240273

 In charge 
Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact the Geflorom Company SRL Ramnicu Valcea representative.
 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address
Not available.

Service and repair for electronic appliances. Service for electronic equipment. Service, maintenance and repair audio/video.

Geflorom Company SRL Ramnicu Valcea encounter 1012 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Valcea:

Radio communications - network troubleshooting and design. Telecommunications designing. Arrangements and interior design. Sanitary equipments. Retail sale of household goods. Telecommunications equipment. Networks construction and design.

Mobile telecommunications. Service/maintenance of communications equipment. National telephone services. Service and repair of mobile phones.

Service and repair for electronic appliances. Service and repair in electrical engineering field. Lamps, street and private lighting.

Service and repair for electronic appliances.


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