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 Gas Term Targoviste

 Main business
Offer services in the Central Heating & Power Plant section of the Household domain.
Trader in the Counter & Conveyance & Hose & Valve section of the Appliance domain.
Manufacturer in the Pipe & Loom & Wheels & Bearing section of the Machinery domain.

Strada Cpt.Vasilescu 2, Targoviste

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address
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Construction, installation, servicing, repairing of thermal power plant. Hydrometers, water-flow meters. Electricity and heat counter devices. Copper pipes and joints. Arrangements and interior design.

Gas Term Targoviste encounter 1418 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Dambovita:

Thermal-health guarantee internationally recognized brands, promptness in purchasing, inventory in the store. Central heating ISCIR authorized, steel radiator warranty five years.

Construction, installation, servicing, repairing of thermal power plant.

Plants and equipment for house heating. Import/export of heating plants. Air conditioning systems. Construction, installation, servicing, repairing of thermal power plant. Metal boilers and pressured containers. Maintenance and repair of boilers.

Aluminium and PVC joinery. Fittings. Construction, installation, servicing, repairing of thermal power plant. Arrangements and interior design.


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