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 Foraj Sonde SA Videle

 Main business
Offer services in the Drilling Oil & Marine & Construction section of the Services domain.
Offer services in the Roof & Cover & (Hydro)insulating section of the Constructions domain.

Strada Petrolului 16, Videle, 145300

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address

Drilling services.

Foraj Sonde SA Videle encounter 1279 online visits.
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Translation Bureau Raicu & Ispas SRL offers professional certified translations and interpreting from / into Romanian / French / English.

Services in industrial climbing, utility: civil, security and telecommunications systems, advertising, maintenance, cleanliness, industry, grooming the trees.

Distribution cash registers, scales, supplies, service cash registers and electronic balances.

Water supply, sewerage, water and sewerage network expansion, civil, non-ferrous foundry, asphalt, paving streets.


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