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 Flipper And Co SRL Ramnicu Valcea

 Main business
Trader in the Building Material Trade section of the Constructions domain.
Manufacturer in the Roof & Cover & (Hydro)insulating section of the Constructions domain.
Importer/Exporter in the Door & Gate & Window section of the Household domain.

Calea lui Traian 231 - pct.lucru, Ramnicu Valcea; Strada Nicolae Balcescu 22, Calimanesti,

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address
Not available.

Sale of building materials. Hydro, thermal and sound insulators. Bituminous shingles coatings. Import of house door. False ceilings, plating, finishing services. Importer of construction materials. Tennis club. Sport base.

Flipper And Co SRL Ramnicu Valcea encounter 1006 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Valcea:

Aluminium-pipe fittings products/items, profiles. Wholesale of construction materials.

Domestic and international road transport of passengers. Inland goods transport. Authorized station for periodical inspection. Car Reviews. Sale of building materials. Concrete and aggregates for gravel pit.

Sale of faience and grit stone. Sale of building materials. Sanitary house installations.

Building maintenance and repairs. Sale of building materials. Inland goods transport. Construction. Construction services. Supply of building materials.


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