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 First Bike Brasov

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Bicycle & Motocycle section of the Sport domain.
Trader in the Sportsware & Production & Trade section of the Sport domain.
Trader in the Bicycle & Motocycle section of the Sport domain.

Bulevardul Alexandru Vlahuta 6, Bl.6, Ap.17, Brasov, 500387

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address

Bicycles and bike accessories. Equipment for fitness centres and body building. Tourism and climbing equipments, other sports. Motorcycles.

First Bike Brasov encounter 8671 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Brasov:

Repair of bicycles.

Bicycles and bike accessories.

Brasov motorcycle enthusiasts have the opportunity to see and buy, in Brasov, the show-room motto, latest models of famous brands.

Importer of bicycles. Sports equipments merchandising.


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