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 Diagnose and Measurements Group SRL Galati

 Main business
Offer services in the Building Yard & Maintenance & Equipments & Research section of the Transport domain.

Strada Rosiori 41, Bl.Pin 1, Ap.29, Galati, 800055

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Research and design in the navy field. Building and repairing ships. Ship repair. Lab. Fault detection. Fault detection in pipes and wires. Thermo vision equipment. Environment services. Measurements for noise pollution assessment. Safety & health at work.

Diagnose and Measurements Group SRL Galati encounter 394 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Galati:

Research and design in the navy field.

Electrical installations, equipment and automation for ships. Marine services troubleshooting electrical/electronics.

Yacht design and engineering services. Research and design in the navy field. Leisure boats (boats, motor boats). Boat repair & maintenance service.

Naval arhitecture, ship design, information structure. Research and design in the navy field. Building and repairing ships. Boat repair & maintenance service.


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