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 Curtea de Apel Bucuresti - Sectia a Viii-A de Contencios Administrativ si Fiscal

 Main business
Headquarter in the Bar & Police Court & Tribunal section of the Institutions domain.

Splaiul Independentei 5, Bucuresti

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address
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Court of Appeals.

Curtea de Apel Bucuresti - Sectia a Viii-A de Contencios Administrativ si Fiscal encounter 125 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Bucuresti:

Evacuations. Recover debts. Summons notices to borrower. Commissioning possession, limits establishing, deliveries of goods. Establish child custody or residence of the minor.

The enforcement of the legal provisions. Civil enforcement. Notification of judicial and extrajudicial documents. Communication of the procedure. Recovery of any debts amicably. Implementation of measures ordered by the court. Determination of state of affairs as provided by Code of Civil Procedure. Official reports.

Court of Appeals.

National Anticorruption Department.


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