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 Eti Dual SRL Deva

 Main business
Trader in the Security & Guard & Alarm & Squad & Intervention section of the Services domain.
Offer services in the Interior & Exterior Improvements & Design section of the Household domain.

Piata Unirii 10, Deva, 330152; Strada Campeni 3 A, ap.3, Cluj-Napoca

 In charge 
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Repair and installation of intercom systems. Supplier of systems and intercom systems.

Eti Dual SRL Deva encounter 914 online visits.
Other companies with similar business field from Hunedoara:

Alarm systems, security and safety systems. Professional installer of alarms with varying degrees of security. Domestic and international road transport of goods.

Measuring and control devices. Scales and precision equipment. Extinguishers.

Design, installation and predictive maintenance and correct complex security systems, telecommunication, structured wiring.

Design, import, installation, integration, maintenance, security systems and digital surveillance complex. Telecommunication. MIRA-PDO license, GIES, MCIT, ISO9001.


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