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 Erromed SRL Timisoara

 Main business
Trader in the Alimentary & Refrigerating & Storehause & Service section of the Appliance domain.
Offer services in the Interior & Exterior Improvements & Design section of the Household domain.
Manufacturer in the Raw Materials & Equipment & Suppliers section of the Agriculture domain.
Manufacturer in the Civil & Industrial & Special Contractor section of the Constructions domain.

Calea Urseni 16 D, Timisoara, 300307

 In charge 
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 Web address

Refrigeration equipment. Equipment manufacturer/supplier for catering/food industry. Repair, service and maintenance for refrigeration equipment. Metal structures for different uses. Accessories for food industry. Accessories, equipment and machinery for food units.

Erromed SRL Timisoara encounter 1258 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Timis:

Our company offers customers quality products and services in the cold industrial refrigeration rooms and windows, ventilation and air conditioning systems, cooling systems.

Our company offers to customers quality products and services in the field of cold industrial refrigeration rooms and windows, ventilation and air conditioning systems, cooling systems.

Accessories for food industry. Professional cooling equipment.

Refrigeration service.


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