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 EC Grup SRL Cluj-Napoca (Emil Culda-Cabinet Individual Eculda SRL; Culdafides SRL)

 Main business
Offer services in the Bookkeeping & Auditing section of the Business domain.
Offer services in the Financial & Juridical Consulting & Brokerage section of the Business domain.

Strada Alexandru Vaida Voivod 2 (TCI), Cluj-Napoca, 400592

 In charge 
Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact the EC Grup SRL Cluj-Napoca (Emil Culda-Cabinet Individual Eculda SRL; Culdafides SRL) representative.
 Mobile phone
Not available.
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Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact EC Grup SRL Cluj-Napoca (Emil Culda-Cabinet Individual Eculda SRL; Culdafides SRL).
 Web address
Not available.

Financial auditing services/accountancy. Business consulting. Consulting. Accounting and accounting services. Financial consulting and accounting, auditing, accounting. Feasibility studies, technical analysis. Companies liquidator.

EC Grup SRL Cluj-Napoca (Emil Culda-Cabinet Individual Eculda SRL; Culdafides SRL) encounter 834 online visits.
Other companies with similar business field from Cluj:

Over 13 years of experience generates confidence of our clients: business consulting, tax consulting, accounting and auditing.

Accounting and accounting expertise, statements, balance sheets, financial statements, cash flow.

Financial and accounting services, consulting expertise and financial accounting.

We offer complete accounting and tax consulting that will guarantee your first step to business success.


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