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 El-Ness SRL Craiova

 Main business
Trader in the Device & Engine & Hardware section of the Electrical domain.
Manufacturer in the Filter & Compressor section of the Equipments domain.
Manufacturer in the Electrotehnics & Condenser & Converter section of the Electrical domain.
Manufacturer in the Device & Engine & Hardware section of the Electrical domain.

Cartier Rovine Bl.A49, Sc.1, Ap.2 - punct de lucru, Craiova, 200008; Drumul Ungurenilor 6,

 In charge 
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Electrical equipment and appliances. Air compressors. Static converters. Production and trade of electric motors. Power capacitors.

El-Ness SRL Craiova encounter 893 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Dolj:

Voltage transformers - provider. Production and trade of electric motors. Repair and maintenance of electric motors. Repairs for transformers and electrical motors.

Wholesale of electrical appliances. Sale of accessories for electrical networks. Industrial electronic products. Components and subassemblies. Equipment and appliances for hydroelectric/thermoelectric power plants. Voltage electrical networks.

Lighting fixtures, floor lamps, chandeliers. Wholesale of electrical appliances. Panels and electrical panels. Lamps, street and private lighting. Street lighting equipment. Distribution/trading lighting fixtures. Cables and insulating materials.

Electrotechnics. Rolling stock. Voltage transformers - provider. Electric motors. Sale of electrical devices and accessories. Medium-voltage cells. Equipment and facilities for electric power distribution. Machinery, tools and equipment for drilling.


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