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 Electrica SA-Sucursala de Distributie Galati-Exploatarea de Distributie Braila

 Main business
Trader in the Energy Distribution & Network & Equipment section of the Electrical domain.

Calea Calarasi 48, Braila

 In charge 
Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact the Electrica SA-Sucursala de Distributie Galati-Exploatarea de Distributie Braila representative.
 Mobile phone
Not available.
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Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact Electrica SA-Sucursala de Distributie Galati-Exploatarea de Distributie Braila.
 Web address
Not available.

Electricity distributor.

Electrica SA-Sucursala de Distributie Galati-Exploatarea de Distributie Braila encounter 943 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Braila:

Steel & iron works repair, assembly and construction. Specialised construction for energy. Construction and repairs for power plants. Metal boilers and pressured containers. Maintenance and repair of boilers. Production of boilers and metal containers.

Electric wiring and networks. Design services and manufacture of electrical installations. Electric power transformer stations. Voltage electrical networks. Power designing. Pipelines and installations. Specialised construction for energy.

Construction and repairs for power plants. Specialised construction for energy. Technical assistance for energy. Power designing. Pipelines and installations. Fault detection in pipes and wires. Electrical networks - installation and setup for construction.

Specialised construction for energy. Construction and repairs for power plants. Electric wiring and networks. Electrical networks - installation and setup for constructions. Electrical engineering and automation.


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