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 Editura Timpul Iasi

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Printed Matter & Trade section of the Mass Media domain.

Strada I.C.Bratianu 22, Iasi, 700037

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address
Not available.

Publishing house.

Editura Timpul Iasi encounter 863 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Iasi:

PVC cards printing and personalization, hotel cards, BM cards, barcode cards, RFID cards, etc. .. in circulation between 100 and 1 million pieces.

Materials for distribution. printing and advertising industry, printing paper and paperboard, paper and paperboard for digital print, specialties, graphic art equipment, supplies.

Distributor of materials for advertising industry - plotter cutter, plates, sheets, large format printers, laminators, routers, trimmers, accessories and consumables.

We are one of the largest printing company in Moldova with a tradition of printing books, brochures, leaflets, grids, printing the newspaper.


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