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 Duosat Trading Bucuresti

 Main business
Trader in the Antenna section of the Electronics domain.

Strada Sg.Samoila Dumitru 8, Bucuresti 4

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address

Provider for satellite dishes for TV signal reception.

Duosat Trading Bucuresti encounter 1377 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Bucuresti:

Direct importer offering equipment and CATV systems, satellite reception, Pay TV systems for hotel applications, Internet access on coaxial cable and fiber optics - iURBAN.

Represented the company Alcad SA - Spain in Romania. Distribute the following products: FM radio reception antennas, TV antennas, satellite dishes, antenna amplifiers, CATV and SMATV amplifiers, connect.

We sell, install, adjust any color TV. Mounted: BOOM, AKTA, DIGI, FOCUS and in custody. Community Satellite antennas perform villas, guesthouses, holiday homes and hotels.

Provider for satellite dishes for TV signal reception.


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