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 Dinamic 92 Distribution SRL 1

 Main business
Trader in the Detergent & Solvent & Adesive & Glue section of the Chemistry domain.
Trader in the Dye & Varnish section of the Chemistry domain.
Trader in the Faience & Sandstone & Marble & Linoleum & Additive section of the Constructions domain.
Importer/Exporter in the Spare Parts section of the Auto domain.

Strada Muncii 1, Piatra Neamt, 610168

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address

Car/van tyres import.

Dinamic 92 Distribution SRL 1 encounter 1508 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Neamt:

Raw materials and accessories for furniture - delivery. Adhesives and derivates production. Equipments, materials and abrasives products. Small furniture pieces.

Wholesale of toiletries, hosiery and hygiene products. Detergents wholesale. Retail sale for cosmetics/hosiery.

Detergent producer. Manufacturer of cosmetics and toiletries. Manufacturing and wholesale trade of chemicals.

Manufacturer of varnishes and paints. Pigments. Adhesives and derivates production.


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