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 Comp Sorana SRL Targoviste

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Processing & Packing & Product section of the Alimentation domain.

Strada Cetatea Alba 2, Targoviste

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address
Not available.

Frozen, refrigerated foodstuff. Ice cream. Food distribution. Trade of vegetables and fruits.

Comp Sorana SRL Targoviste encounter 353 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Dambovita:

Equipment for bread and bakery. Pastry. Bakery.

Food distribution. Trader and distributor of motor vehicles and cars. Detergents wholesale. Food wholesaler. Wholesale of non-food products. Food retailers.

Research in the agriculture field. Consulting services in agriculture. Supply of fruit made in Romania.

We grow and sell fish. Producer of vegetables for food.


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