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 Decora Stil SRL Slatina

 Main business
Trader in the Interior Decoration & Improvement & Utility section of the Household domain.
Trader in the Carpet & Rug & Blanket & Towel section of the Household domain.
Trader in the Faience & Sandstone & Marble & Linoleum & Additive section of the Constructions domain.
Trader in the Furniture & Product & Accessory & Tapestry section of the Household domain.

Bulevardul Nicolae Titulescu Bl.13, parter, Slatina, 230099

 In charge 
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Articles, parts and items for interior decoration. Moquette sale with varying degrees of resistance. Sale of faience and grit stone. Raw materials and accessories for furniture - delivery. Manufacturer of blinds and shutters. Importer of construction materials.

Decora Stil SRL Slatina encounter 2778 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Olt:

Sanitary house installations. Interior decoration. Articles, parts and items for interior decoration. Manufacturer of faience and grit stone for construction finishing. Trade of paints and varnishes for household/industrial use.

Framing of paintings. Painting & graphics. Icons and religious items. Goblins and fabrics. Design accessories - photo frames, paintings.

Provides services for the home. design, consultancy and services, interior and exterior, roofing, insulation and thermal fluid.

Refrigeration equipment. Water and sewerage services. Arrangements and interior design. Materials for interior design. Repair, service and maintenance for refrigeration equipment.


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