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 Cordless K & R Com SRL Oradea

 Main business
Trader in the Appliance & Equipment & System section of the Electronics domain.

Strada Republicii 16, Oradea, 410025

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address
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Retail of electronic products.

Cordless K & R Com SRL Oradea encounter 455 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Bihor:

Construction equipment and supplies sales.

8-20-12 with 8KB mem APMini PLC. Flash, 20 entries optoizolate, 12 relay outputs. Connects to PC via RS232C for programming and monitoring process. Inductive proximity sensors: M8, M12, M18.

Sole importer and distributor of range Maniac Sound System. Range of products: MP3 players, bass tubes, amplifiers, speakers, plugs, cables, extension cords.

Electronic parts trade. Importer/exporter of electronic products. Wholesale trade of electronic products.


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