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 Cont Expert 94 SRL Bucuresti

 Main business
Offer services in the Bookkeeping & Auditing section of the Business domain.

Bulevardul Timisoara 11, Bl.B3, Sc.2, Ap.31, Bucuresti 6

 In charge 
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Financial auditing services/accountancy.

Cont Expert 94 SRL Bucuresti encounter 603 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Bucuresti:

Financial consulting and accounting, auditing, accounting.

Multidisciplinary company that develops projects PHARE, World Bank, education and training for clients public institutions from Romania and other European countries.

Activities complete accounting and auditing, provided by a professional team headed by a chartered accountant.

Society takes over the work of staff providing these services: payroll administration, personnel management and issue-specific documents that chart, job description, swarm.


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