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 Com Electro Construct SRL

 Main business
Trader in the Generator & Lighting section of the Electrical domain.
Trader in the Cable & Insulated & Furnishing section of the Electrical domain.
Importer/Exporter in the Building Material section of the Constructions domain.
Manufacturer in the Hardware & Houseware section of the Household domain.

Soseaua Chitilei 207, Bucuresti 1, 012388

 In charge 
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Lighting fixtures, floor lamps, chandeliers. Electrical cables and connection accessories. Importer of construction materials. Production of fans. Sale of electrical devices and accessories. Interior decoration. Electrical equipment and appliances.

Com Electro Construct SRL encounter 3455 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Bucuresti:

Manufacturer, importer and distributor of lighting fixtures, lamps and lighting sources, lighting poles. Offer lighting design services for smart homes.

Company dedicated power supply systems of low and high peak power promotes technical solutions in this field.

Design, manufacture and installation of electrical panels and distribution automation. Post transformer LV, MV electrical installation, electrical material import.

The company specialized in safety in electricity supply, offers a wide range of products to meet your specific requirements.


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