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 Classic Pit SRL Bozovici

 Main business
Trader in the Raw Materials & Equipment & Suppliers section of the Agriculture domain.
Trader in the Desk Stationary & Photocopping section of the Services domain.
Offer services in the Housing & Camping & Chalet & Bungalow section of the Tourism domain.

Strada Eftimie Murgu 87, Bozovici, 327040

Caras Severin
 In charge 
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Seeds supply. Stationery products trade. General car service. All car brands.

Classic Pit SRL Bozovici encounter 722 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Caras Severin:

Sale of car accessories and spare parts. Farm machinery and equipment.

Sale of building materials. Retail trade of plastics. Trade of general use products. Chemical fertilizers, soil improvement substances. Mirrors. Design accessories - photo frames, paintings. Shoes retailer.

Maintenance activities for hunting and fishing stocks. Agricultural services. Forestry activities. Forestation and seedlings. Supplier for agricultural farms. Service providers. Land reclamation and melioration. Construction made from wood.

Seeds supply. Sale of gifts and souvenirs. Florist. Occasions, birthdays, commemorations.


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