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 Class SRL Targu Jiu

 Main business
Trader in the Dye & Varnish section of the Chemistry domain.
Manufacturer in the Forest Exploitation & Wood Processing & Products section of the Wood domain.

Bulevardul Constantin Brancusi Bl.9, parter, Targu Jiu, 210188; Victoria Sud, bl.18, parte

 In charge 
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Varnishes and paints. Distribution of paint and varnish for chemical stores. Trade of paints and varnishes for household/industrial use. Construction parquet and timber.

Class SRL Targu Jiu encounter 834 online visits.
Other companies with similar business field from Gorj:

Chemical fertilizers, soil improvement substances. Tools and equipments for chemical industry.

Supplier of raw materials for chemical industry. Construction parquet and timber.

Rubber products. Manufacturer of various garments. Manufacturer of car accessories and spare parts. Belt carriers. Rubber production. Manufacturer of various garments. Export of textile garments. Gaskets for cars. Code reading cash registers.

Exploitation of natural gas. Design and installation of methane pipelines.


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