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 Caviem Line SRL Galati

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Road & Bridge Maintenance & Facilities section of the Constructions domain.
Manufacturer in the Digging & Crane & Quarry & Pit section of the Machinery domain.
Manufacturer in the Sportsware & Production & Trade section of the Sport domain.
Offer services in the Advertising Agency & A.T.L. & Outdoor section of the Advertising domain.

Strada G-ral Eremia Grigorescu 3, Bl.D5d, Ap.22, Galati, 800230

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address

Construction material quarries. Explosives emplacement for civil demolition. Building demolition services. Construction and maintenance of roads and bridges. Drilling services. Mining activities. Raw materials for construction. Sale of building materials.

Caviem Line SRL Galati encounter 2245 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Galati:

Construction and civil engineering.

Building roads and bridges.

Rent construction equipment, earthmoving equipment rental, maintenance and repair roads, roller rental, rent autograder, profiling services, leveling and compaction.

Construction and maintenance of roads and bridges. Asphalt road services. Road construction and maintenance equipment. Roads markings. Roads construction materials. Construction and design for access roads. Industrial and civil construction.


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