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 Catrimar SRL Craiova

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Handicraft & Cottage Industry section of the Culture domain.
Trader in the Millinery & Jewellery & Gifts section of the Household domain.
Trader in the Art Shop section of the Culture domain.

Cartier Lapus, Strada I.Tuculescu 20, Bl.V8, Ap.37, Craiova, 200438

 In charge 
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Crafts and folk-art shops. Sale of gifts and souvenirs. Shop for art objects.

Catrimar SRL Craiova encounter 1086 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Dolj:

Crafts and folk-art shops. Manufacturer of knitwear. Manufacturer of knitted wool.

Crafts and folk-art shops.

Manufacturer of decorative art objects interested in finding partners for long periods, in order to sale of own products.


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