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 A.O.P. Com SRL Sacele

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Hardware & Printer & Accessories section of the Computers domain.

Bulevardul G. Moroianu 237A, Sacele

 In charge 
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Produce any cash rolls, custom printed paper in continuous mode, fax and telex rolls.

A.O.P. Com SRL Sacele encounter 1185 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Brasov:

Internet Cafe with 22 stations, which can run all applications and games on the market. Service Printers, Monitors. Refilari cartridges. Sales of new and used parts.

Imprortator and distributor of key IT components: CPU: AMD, MB: DFI, Chaintech, Mem.: PQI, Video: Daytona, Xpert Vision, Chaintech, houses: JNC, Frontier, Sun: IDream, Lite-On, TV tuner: Wayjet .

Hardware and software, computer and printer service, cartridge refills.

Sale of computers. Computer hardware. Software and custom solutions.


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