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 C + C SA Resita

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Meat section of the Alimentation domain.
Offer services in the Meat section of the Alimentation domain.
Trader in the Meat section of the Alimentation domain.

Strada Poneasca 17, Resita, 320001

Caras Severin
 In charge 
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Supplier of meat. Industrialisation, processing and preparation of meat. Abattoir facility. Meat products trade. Pets raising and caring. Meat products wholesale trade.

C + C SA Resita encounter 4040 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Caras Severin:

Local administration and management services. Installers and service for installations and domestic gas pipelines. Design and installation of methane pipelines. Abattoir facility. Day club. Relaxed atmosphere. Tools and equipment for bakeries. Bread ovens.

Timber. Lumbering enterprise. Rental of retail space and office space. Exploitation and industrialization of wood. Trade of general use products. Aluminium and PVC joinery. Fittings. PVC reinforced with steel joinery. Arrangements and interior design.

Disco. Light games. Meat products trade.

Dairy products sales. Food distribution. Meat products. Producer of milk and dairy products.


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