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 Cabinet Medical Bomboe Liliana

 Main business
Headquarter in the Specialised Office section of the Health domain.

Strada Clementei 10, Ploiesti, 100349

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact Cabinet Medical Bomboe Liliana.
 Web address
Not available.


Cabinet Medical Bomboe Liliana encounter 1217 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Prahova:

Occupational Medicine in collaboration with MEDMUN 2001 Bucharest, medical tests, medical consultations, medical investigation: laser therapy, ultrasound, drivers medical records.

Occupational medicine, specialist medical consultations: ENT, ophthalmology, neurology, psychological tests, electrocardiograms, audiometry, oscilometrics, respiratory functional tests.

Highly professional medical services in occupational medicine, psychology, functional investigations and laboratory examinations at very advantageous prices.

Ophthalmology clinic offers private consultations and his patient refuses surgery performed by renowned physicians with the latest equipment. Cataract surgery is the first example.


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