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 Azur Constructii SRL Braila

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Precast Wares & Block & Brick & Tile & Paving section of the Constructions domain.

Strada Independentei 30, Braila, 810112

 In charge 
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 Web address

Manufacturer for pavement stone. Paving, concrete paving stones. Paving services. Materials for concrete prefabs for construction. Construction materials - concrete blocks from aggregated and simple cement. Building concrete blocks. Construction services.

Azur Constructii SRL Braila encounter 732 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Braila:

Concrete and aggregates for gravel pit. Raw materials for construction.

Manufacturer of construction materials. Construction brick.

Sale of building materials. Wholesale of construction materials. Supplier of steel-reinforced concrete. Sale of metallurgical products.

Supplier of steel-reinforced concrete. Sale of building materials. Buildings or production facilities coverage systems. Roof tile. Bituminous shingles coatings. Elements for steel/sheet roofs. Sale of wire netting. Welded mesh for construction.


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