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 Aventin Trade SRL Braila

 Main business
Offer services in the Road Travelling International section of the Transport domain.

Strada Siretului 2, Braila, 810339

 In charge 
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Domestic and international road transport of passengers. International passenger transport system. Domestic road passenger transport.

Aventin Trade SRL Braila encounter 206 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Braila:

Port services (handling of goods, storage), and international inland waterway transport carried out on all sectors of the Danube.

Perform grain transport trailer and ballast. Rent space for storage and production (including cold stores). Operates regular technical inspections.

As domestic and international transportation services provider, logistics, we provide transport services throughout Europe, exclusive and partial loads, performing transport in large quantities or small.

Trade with detergents, cosmetics, stationery, haberdashery, electrical. Distribution network in Braila, Galati, Vrancea, Tulcea. We pack acetone and hypochlorite. Transport services with four Mercedes truck 40 tones tarpaulin.


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