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 B.A.P.S. SA Baia Mare

 Main business
Trader in the Industrial Products section of the Equipments domain.
Offer services in the (Petro)chemical & Special Shipping section of the Transport domain.
Offer services in the Service & Disassembling & Road Test section of the Auto domain.
Offer services in the Forest Exploitation & Wood Processing & Products section of the Wood domain.

Strada Luminisului 6 A, Baia Mare, 430333

 In charge 
Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact the B.A.P.S. SA Baia Mare representative.
 Mobile phone
Not available.
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Not available.
 Web address
Not available.

Wholesale trade of industrial products. Specialized and oversized transportation. General car service. All car brands. Woodworking. Technological gases, gas probe.

B.A.P.S. SA Baia Mare encounter 1159 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Maramures:

Sewage services and water treatment. Water and sewerage services. Water treatment and purification equipment provider. Measuring and control devices. Systems and equipment for automation.

Retail trade of industrial products.

Joint Romanian-German commercial firm-Austrian. It provides equipment with high pressure pumps for all industries, special vehicles, accessories and PS.

Retail trade of industrial products.


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