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 Avant Com SRL Bucuresti

 Main business
Trader in the Drilling Oil & Marine & Construction section of the Services domain.
Manufacturer in the Lubricants & Mineral Oil section of the Machinery domain.
Manufacturer in the Pipe & Loom & Wheels & Bearing section of the Machinery domain.
Offer services in the Drilling Oil & Marine & Construction section of the Services domain.

Strada Radu Voda 1, Bl.B8, Sc.1, et.3, Ap.15, Bucuresti 4, 030669

 In charge 
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Machinery, tools and equipment for drilling. Production of industrial oils and lubricants. Production of weld less pipes. Import/export of metallurgical products. Nonferrous metallurgical products. Welded pipes. Motor oils and lubricants - sale.

Avant Com SRL Bucuresti encounter 2088 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Bucuresti:

Water and sewerage services. Water drilling and supply arrangements.

Building and repairing ships (manufactured, assembled, welded, assembly). Metal (beams, trusses, columns) with / without material client.

Advantageous drill water wells to 50m depth, Cased with PVC plastic pipes with diameter D = 140mm. We use lightweight drilling installation. Price: 66 EUR / per meter (VAT included).

Deep drilling services, exploitation of natural resources. Foundation. Machinery, tools and equipment for drilling. Water drilling and supply arrangements.


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