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 Atcom S.C.M. Vaslui

 Main business
Offer services in the Consumers & Craftmens Cooperative Society section of the Trade domain.

Strada Stefan cel Mare 75, Vaslui, 730169

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address

Retail trade.

Atcom S.C.M. Vaslui encounter 491 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Vaslui:

Wholesale and retail trade. Bee keeping, apiculture, related products.

Domestic company manufactures and markets a wide range of religious items embroidered or woven, embroidered vestments and priestly vestments, caul, and other products for religious activities.

Food company profile: 5 grocery stores, a wholesale warehouse, a cold store (100t), deposit and non-food goods, 6 transportation vehicles, 2 cars.

Wholesale and retail trade.


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