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 Asociatia Crescatorilor de Albine Resita

 Main business
Trader in the Garden Stuff & Apiculture section of the Agriculture domain.
Manufacturer in the Garden Stuff & Apiculture section of the Agriculture domain.

Bulevardul I.L.Caragiale 3-4, Resita, 320075

Caras Severin
 In charge 
Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact the Asociatia Crescatorilor de Albine Resita representative.
 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address
Not available.

Marketing of apiculture products: honey, pollen. Bee keeping, apiculture, related products.

Asociatia Crescatorilor de Albine Resita encounter 1286 online visits.
Other companies with similar business field from Caras Severin:

Farm food distribution. Food retailers.

Farm food distribution. Milling and bakery. Concentrates and combined fodder production. Pasta production.

Marketing of apiculture products: honey, pollen. Bee keeping, apiculture, related products.

Industrialisation, processing and preparation of meat. Tourist guest house. Restaurant.


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