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 Allgemeine Holding SRL Dragasani

 Main business
Trader in the Appliance & Device & Equipment section of the Communications domain.

Strada Carol 28, Dragasani, 245700

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact Allgemeine Holding SRL Dragasani.
 Web address

Telecommunications equipment.

Allgemeine Holding SRL Dragasani encounter 169 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Valcea:

Ramnicu Valcea-based company specialized in making / developing websites and providing packages of hosting (web hosting) for customers.

Company specialised in Internet application development, ecommerce solutions, web design, manage databases and multimedia presentations.

IT & Telecommunications: computers, computer networks, telecommunications, telephone systems, PABX, repair, service, design, installation.

Electrical-intercoms, Videophones, automatic lighting, alarms, access control, time tracking, CCTV systems.


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