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 Apollodor 2000 Construct SRL Resita

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Civil & Industrial & Special Contractor section of the Constructions domain.
Manufacturer in the Roof & Cover & (Hydro)insulating section of the Constructions domain.
Manufacturer in the Precast Wares & Block & Brick & Tile & Paving section of the Constructions domain.
Manufacturer in the Forest Exploitation & Wood Processing & Products section of the Wood domain.

Strada Castanilor 63, Resita, 320022

Caras Severin
 In charge 
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Construction. Construction services. Roof tile. Manufacturer for pavement stone. Timber. Aluminium and PVC joinery. Fittings. Construction parquet and timber. Industrial and civil construction. Trade representative. Woodworking.

Apollodor 2000 Construct SRL Resita encounter 1550 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Caras Severin:

Food retailers. Industrial and civil construction. Retail trade.

Architectural design services. Construction design services. Interior decoration. Historic monuments restoration services.

Construction consultancy services. Industrial and civil construction. Animal farm & products.

Tools and equipment. Air conditioning and heating devices. Industrial and civil construction. Design and installation of methane pipelines. Turn-key construction. Construction, installation, servicing, repairing of thermal power plant.


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