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 Apicola SRL Targoviste

 Main business
Trader in the Garden Stuff & Apiculture section of the Agriculture domain.
Manufacturer in the Garden Stuff & Apiculture section of the Agriculture domain.
Trader in the Veterinary Pharmacy section of the Health domain.

Bulevardul Independentei Bl.PP6, parter, Targoviste, 130061

 In charge 
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Marketing of apiculture products: honey, pollen. Bee keeping, apiculture, related products. Veterinary pharmacy. Producer of honey. Retail shop of natural therapy products. Pet food shop.

Apicola SRL Targoviste encounter 3517 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Dambovita:

Honey processing, manufacturing Vinegar supplements - pollen, propolis.

Chicken for breeding and restocking. Meat products trade.

Agaricus bisporus mushroom producer. Amount offered: 4-5 t / month. Place of production and delivery: Petresti com, village Ionesti, Dambovita County. Unit certification is under EUREPGAP.

Mushroom grower. Natural products full of vitamins. Human pharmacology.


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