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 Anderssen Consulting SRL Iasi

 Main business
Offer services in the License & Certification & Patent section of the Business domain.

Aleea Pedagogica 2, Bl.TC, tronson 2, parter, Iasi

 In charge 
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Quality systems for products. Consulting.

Anderssen Consulting SRL Iasi encounter 938 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Iasi:

Full financial solution! Financing in financial and operational leasing (lei and euro) for new and used cars, equipment and machinery for a period between 12-48 months.

The company offers consulting services for management and sales, training for sales and implementing use of CRM, integrated internal audit quality, environment, health and work safety.

Consultancy services private and public sector clients. RELIANS today means more than 50 funded projects whose total value exceeds 75 million euros.

Supermarket consulting projects, consulting projects such Shopping Center; product development consulting, management consulting, human resources, marketing and sales.


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