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 Andbas SRL Piatra Neamt

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Road & Bridge Maintenance & Facilities section of the Constructions domain.

Strada Dimitrie Leonida 64, Piatra Neamt, 610168

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address

Supplier of river sand, gemstone. Concrete and aggregates for gravel pit. Building materials equipment. Asphalt road services. Materials for concrete prefabs for construction.

Andbas SRL Piatra Neamt encounter 1153 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Neamt:

Manufacturer signaling equipment or construction works traffic division.

Roads panels, boards, signalling. Electric wiring and networks.

Construction of roads and bridges. Construction and maintenance of roads and bridges.

Supplier of river sand, gemstone. Bitumen and raw materials for asphalt.


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