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 Alpin 57 Lux SRL Sebes

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Processing & Packing & Product section of the Alimentation domain.
Manufacturer in the Breadstuff & Bakery & Mills & Pastry section of the Alimentation domain.

Strada Mihail Kogalniceanu 46, Sebes, 515800; Strada Rastoaca 7, Sebes, 515800

 In charge 
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Ice cream. Bakery. Pastry - production.

Alpin 57 Lux SRL Sebes encounter 1756 online visits.
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Caterer unit.

Company founded in 2000. Meat processing. Turnover 2010-10000000 $ exports in Italy, Spain and England. 6 stores in Alba. Distribution in Transylvania, Bucharest.

Food distribution. Sweets.

Production of frozen vegetables.


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