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 Alba Aluminiu SRL Zlatna

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Cement & Mortar & Asphalt & Lime section of the Constructions domain.
Manufacturer in the Dye & Varnish section of the Chemistry domain.
Manufacturer in the Raw Materials section of the Chemistry domain.
Manufacturer in the Aluminium Shapes & Carpentry & Joinery & Product section of the Industrial domain.

Strada Garii 10, Zlatna, 516100

 In charge 
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Manufacturer of varnishes and paints. Pigments. Inorganic pigments for paints and gels. Aluminium/aluminium related products. Metal powders.

Alba Aluminiu SRL Zlatna encounter 2065 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Alba:

Our company wants to demonstrate that the works carried out by us can be executed in a short time and with maximum efficiency imposing a level of European quality.

Building materials. Polystyrene insulation and glass wool, hidrolizolatii. Finishes: mortars, primers, plasters, decorative plasters, paints washable.

Manufacturer of military equipment. Links and mechanical-pneumatic joints. Manufacturer of car accessories and spare parts. Machines for construction industry. Machine tools. Parts and accessories for machine tools. Rental of retail space and office space.

Metal structures for different uses. Stainless steel metal structures.


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