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 L&T Consulting SRL Sebes

 Main business
Offer services in the Center & Organization & Development section of the Business domain.
Offer services in the Financial Services & Investment section of the Business domain.
Offer services in the Marketing & Research & Pool section of the Business domain.
Offer services in the Consulting & Research & Improvement section of the Agriculture domain.

Strada Cintarului 3, Sebes

 In charge 
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 Web address

We help private and public organization to analyze and redefine its strategies to improve business operations efficiency, to optimize human resources and technology.

L&T Consulting SRL Sebes encounter 2306 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Alba:

Trade Register Office.

Consulting: Quality Management - SR EN ISO 9001:2008, Environmental Management - EN ISO14001: 2005, Health and Safety at Work - SR OHSAS 18001:2008.

The body of accounting experts/certified accountants in Romania.

Touristic services. Development agency.


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