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 Stemi Trading SRL Bucuresti

 Main business
Trader in the Welding & Dyeing & Sticking & Sealing section of the Machinery domain.

Bulevardul Unirii 8, Bl.7A, Sc.2, Ap.35, Bucuresti 4

 In charge 
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Wholesale welding equipment, welding and cutting accessories (torches WIG / TIG, MIG-MAG, plasma), consumables (electrodes, wires and rods) - CE approved air tanks.

Stemi Trading SRL Bucuresti encounter 697 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Bucuresti:

Mechanical seals and sealing services.

Adhesives and sealants products for household/industrial. Tools for cutting. Seals. Power tools. Roller bearings with various applications. Tools and accessories. Measuring and control devices. Generating sets - emergency. Pneumatic tools.

Equipment for welding and automation. Machinery and accessories for welding. Traditional and oxyacetylene welding. Power tools. Tools and accessories.

Traditional and oxyacetylene welding.


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