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 SoftTech SRL Craiova

 Main business
Offer services in the Advertising Agency & A.T.L. & Indoor section of the Advertising domain.

Strada C-tin Brancusi, Bl.A2, Sc.3, Ap.2, Craiova

 In charge 
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 Web address

Promotional materials, printing, screen printing, digital printing. Graphic services, web design. IT trade, consumables, components, computers, peripherals, video, photo.

SoftTech SRL Craiova encounter 603 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Dolj:

Printing and publishing services. Desktop publishing, DTP, printing films. Stickers. Non-fiscal standard printed forms. Printed materials. Printing house. Production of emblems, insignia, badges. Bookbinding.

Advertising materials.

Promotional materials. Distribution of various products. Paper products.

Video advertising in the gym. Take your business to fitness!


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