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 Simelco SRL Pipera

 Main business
Trader in the Supply section of the Health domain.
Offer services in the Medical Center & Dispensary section of the Health domain.
Offer services in the Labour & Civil & Consumer Protection Offices section of the Institutions domain.
Offer services in the Hair Style & Barbers Shop & Cosmetic & Flavour section of the Household domain.

Strada Erou Chivu Dumitru 44C, Pipera

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address

The company's sole representative in Romania Biotext Zion Israel, a leader in the production of small sterile surgical kits, sterile gowns of the packages and surgical fields.

Simelco SRL Pipera encounter 4035 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Ilfov:

Importer for bathroom furniture. Sanitary equipments. Trade in ceramic products.

Manufacturer of household items and housekeeping tools. Manufacturer of household items and housekeeping tools. Supplier of protective railings. Materials for medical use (bandages, gauze). Metal shelving. Stainless steel metal structures.

Analytical chemistry and research for chemical industry. Laboratory and analysis equipment. Agents and consumables for laboratory.

Tools and equipment. Sanitary house installations. Sanitary equipments. Plastics storage.


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