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 IT & Mediu SRL Timisoara

 Main business
Offer services in the Hydro & Thermo & Nuclear Power Plant section of the Appliance domain.

Strada Liege 5/10, Timisoara 300639

 In charge 
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Engineering services. Electrical and environmental protection.

IT & Mediu SRL Timisoara encounter 702 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Timis:

Electrical engineering and automation. Equipment and facilities for electric power distribution. Welded mesh for construction. Systems and equipment for automation. Power. Sale of accessories for electrical networks. Electric heaters. Heating equipments.

Production of electric and thermal power.

Electrical engineering and automation. Electro-erosion machines. Panels and electrical panels. Supplier for power industry. Electric wiring and networks.

Specialised construction for energy.


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