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 Stef SRL Iasi

 Main business
Offer services in the Desk Stationary & Photocopping section of the Services domain.

Strada Vasile Conta 11, Iasi

 In charge 
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Import, trade and representation for office equipment (black and white copiers, color, up to A0, faxes, printers, cash counting machines, destroying documents), publishing and printing services.

Stef SRL Iasi encounter 1020 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Iasi:

Office equipment. Serigraphy and seals.

Stationery and office supplies.

Distribution of technical products and materials. Storage and merchandising of roller bearings. Tools for cutting. Equipments, materials and abrasives products. Fasteners. Machinery and accessories for welding. Welding for metallic coating and warehouses.

Office equipment. Office equipment. Printers.


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